Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesdays in April

It just occurred to me that today is 9/11. Tuesday, in fact. September 11, 2001 was also a Tuesday.

Tuesday was named after the Nordic god Tyr, who is the god of war.

In the Thai solar calendar, Tuesday is named for the Pali word for the planet Mars, which also means "Ashes of the Dead."
In Latin, Tuesday is called Martis dies which means "Mars Day" (Mars is the Roman god of war).
Hindi word for Tuesday is Mangalwar, with Mangal being the Sanskrit name for the planet Mars.

In the Greek world, Tuesday is considered an unlucky day.
The same is true in the Spanish-speaking world.
For both Greeks and Spanish-speakers, the 13th of the month is considered unlucky if it falls on Tuesday, instead of Friday.

So, is there an actual connection between Tuesday and the God of War?

Incidentally, astrologically speaking, the month of April begins in the sign of Aries. And astronomically speaking it ends in the constellation of Aries. The origin of the name April is uncertain.

April is by far the bloodiest month of the year, historically.

Wars that started in April:
American Revolution
American Civil War
Bosnian War
Rwandan Genocide
Armenian Genocide

Other April bloodbaths:
Two deadliest volcanic eruptions in recorded human history
President Abraham Lincoln's assassination
The Frank Slide
The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
The sinking of the RMS Titanic
The Deir Yassin Massacre in Palestine
Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination
Adolf Hitler was born and died on April 20th and April 30th, respectively.
Woo Bum-Kon spree killing
Chernobyl nuclear accident
The 1992 Los Angeles Riots
The bloody end to the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas
The Oklahoma City Bombing
Qana Massacre in Lebanon in 1996
The Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania, Australia
The Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colorado
The Virginia Tech massacre in Blacksburg, Virginia

September doesn't have nearly the bloody history (although my morbid self thinks it would be a little bit cool if it did).
World War II started and ended in September.
Steve Irwin died in September.
Obviously September 11.

You know I didn't sit here and gather all these facts myself. Wikipedia is a very good resource for random factoids. Just don't write a school paper with it.

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