Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The obligatory 9/11 post

6 years ago, the world changed. It was a Tuesday, as is today.

I think some of us (not just certain presidents) have completely lost sight of the beautiful horror of it all.

For several months after 9/11, flags looked different to me. I can't exactly explain how. It was almost as though they became 3-Dimensional. The colors looked deeper. I suppose it's that I felt the symbolism behind the stars and stripes. At the time, I was driving back and forth from Centerville every day, and there was a car dealership right on the freeway that never flew their flag at half-mast. The flag at the Layton Hills mall, which is probably 4 times larger than a standard flag, sometimes brought me to tears.

When we started bombing in Afghanistan, I was sad. At the time, I saw it as an ugly necessity. I understand that we can't allow ourselves to be attacked in such a manner and not stand up for ourselves, but I was saddened by those who celebrated it. War is an ugly, horrible thing.

Innocent people died. And continue to.

People are the same all over. A life has intrinsic value, American or not. I think we forget that sometimes.

Six years, and more than 70,000 deaths later. Some of us are protesting, some of us are still celebrating. But how many of us have allowed the reality of it all to really sink in and change us?


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