Friday, August 17, 2007


Crushes are funny things. I've had hundreds in my life, and have several right now. But that's not to say that I'm boycrazy. For one, not all of my crushes are on boys. For two, I'd say only one of my crushes is romantic.

Once upon a time, I had a crush on a customer at work. I would literally go to work, a little excited because he might come in that night. Sure I'd be a little disappointed if he didn't come in, but my hope got me through the night, and odds were even better that I'd see him the next night.
One night I slipped him my number, and asked him to call me. And he did.
And we went out a couple of times. And I realized he simply wasn't what I hoped for.
I wasn't excited to see him at work any more. I missed the hope of seeing him.

And recently, there has a been a guy coming in who I simply adore. I get butterflies in my stomach every time he speaks.
The few conversations we've had have only increased my fascination, and I just want to know him better.

But maybe it's better to just be twitterpated with him at work. Maybe he's just a reason to have hope for the day. Is the hope of seeing him better than having him? How does one know?

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