Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So, I was talking to my good buddy Johnny last night.
And he asked me, point blank, why I don't do anything with my writing.
Because I don't. I have written, more or less, since I was 12 years old, and have always felt somewhat driven to do so. Hence the blogging. Clearly, I don't consider blogging serious writing (well, for me it's not, any way).
But so I was thinking about some of the things that block me from taking writing more seriously. And definitely, the biggest reason is fear of ridicule. I have never felt comfortable with other people reading any of my serious writing.
I took creative writing in high school, and after the first assignment when we were put in small groups, and had to write, and then read our writing aloud, I transferred out of that class.
But then, I was on the newspaper staff.
I can handle writing external things--about things that are outside of me. But anything that brushes even just a bit below the surface, I simply don't want other people to see--I don't even want to know what they think, because what if they don't like it?
Which is how I feel about me in general, not just about writing.

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