Friday, November 23, 2007

On married men

It is exceedingly rare that I meet a man who I truly can see myself in a relationship with. Yes, there are a lot of men I'm attracted to. There are many who I get along with quite well. But to actually be drawn to him, and believe we could truly have a happy relationship together--there have really only been 2 men I've ever met who I really could see that with.
And neither of them have been available.
In the not too far distant past, I thought I'd met one. A guy who I was very attracted to, intellectually even more than physically, who I could have awesome conversations with and who told me I was smart and funny and easy to talk to.
But now he and his former soon-to-be ex-wife are now going to be working things out.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him and her and their two children. I don't begrudge them their happiness.
But why is it that I never meet viable relationship options when they are actually available?